Analog Blog

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  • Jul 17, 2024

Analog Partners with MetaStreet to Revolutionize Cross-Chain High-Yield Lending

We proudly announce our most recent collaboration with MetaStreet, a unique protocol in high-yield lending for illiquid assets and high-yield space. This collaboration aims to seamlessly integrate MetaStreet's innovative products with Analog's powerful cross-chain infrastructure, expanding the reach and capabilities of both platforms to unlock new possibilities in DeFi and the broader Web3 space.

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  • Jul 15, 2024

PixelPort - The Future of NFT Platforms

The NFT revolution is poised to boom in the coming years, but the fragmented nature of blockchain technology is holding it back. ERC-721's non-fungible nature creates liquidity bottlenecks, existing bridges are riddled with smart contract risks, and current platforms lack essential governance features. Throw in high gas fees and complex development hurdles, and you've got a recipe for frustration for the end user.

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  • Jul 09, 2024

Analog & NectarX: Sweetening the Cross-Chain DEX Experience

Analog is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with, aimed at advancing and making cross-chain transactions and liquidity management in DeFi much easier and user-friendly.

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  • Jul 04, 2024

Q2 Recap – Analog’s Milestones & Progress

It’s time to look at the fantastic journey we've had this quarter at Analog. Buckle up as we dive into the key moments and achievements of Q2 2024!

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  • Jun 19, 2024

Analog and Intract Launch the ‘’Incentivized Odyssey’’

Analog, a leading provider of cross-chain communication protocols, and Intract, a cutting-edge Web3 community platform, are excited to announce the launch of the Analog Incentivized Odyssey.

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  • Jun 18, 2024

Analog Improving Cross-Chain Security with Hacken

Security is non-negotiable in the blockchain space, especially with the rise of cross-chain interactions. From Sybil attacks to bad actors and poor security measures, it can truly be a headache for end users. We recognized this and proactively partnered with Hacken, a leading blockchain cybersecurity firm.

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  • Jun 17, 2024

Cross-Chain Security: Analog’s Defence Against Sybil Attacks

The rise of interconnected blockchains has ushered in a new era of possibilities, but it's not without its challenges.As the Web3 landscape expands, so does the potential for malicious attacks, and sybil attacks remain a persistent threat to the integrity and security of cross-chain systems.

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  • Jun 13, 2024

A Surge in Community Engagement and Validator Interest | Analog Testnet

Analog is excited to share the latest metrics from our ongoing incentivized testnet, showcasing a significant increase in user engagement and a growing interest from potential validators.

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  • Jun 10, 2024

Analog and Frax Finance Revolutionize Cross-Chain DeFi

Analog is a pioneering Layer-0 cross-chain communication protocol, and Parami Protocol is an innovative platform merging AI, DeFi, and NFTs through blockchain technology. Analog is proud to announce our strategic partnership aimed at advancing the capabilities of decentralized AI applications.

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  • Jun 07, 2024

Analog’s Incentivized Testnet—Phase 3: Node Operators

Become a Time Node operator on the Analog Network and shape the future of blockchain interoperability...

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  • Jun 06, 2024

Analog and Parami Protocol Collaborate to Advance Decentralized AI

Analog is a pioneering Layer-0 cross-chain communication protocol, and Parami Protocol is an innovative platform merging AI, DeFi, and NFTs through blockchain technology. Analog is proud to announce our strategic partnership aimed at advancing the capabilities of decentralized AI applications.

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  • May 30, 2024

Introducing the Analog Kairos Hackathon

As Analog’s incentivized testnet progresses, we are focused on onboarding developers to build on our ecosystem. We are excited to announce the Analog Kairos Hackathon...

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  • May 24, 2024

Analog Joins Forces with Humanode for Next-Gen Sybil-Resistance

Analog is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Humanode, a revolutionary platform pioneering the use of biometric technology in the blockchain space...

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  • May 23, 2024

Analog and XION Integrate to Expand Chain Abstraction Solution

Analog is proud to announce a strategic integration with XION, a leading layer-one blockchain simplifying blockchain interactions through its Generalized Abstraction infrastructure.

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  • May 07, 2024

Analog's Incentivized Testnet – Phase 2: Community

Following the successful developer-focused Phase 1, we're thrilled to open the Phase 2 Testnet to the broader Analog community members by the end of April. This phase puts the power of our tools in YOUR hands.

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  • Apr 16, 2024

Announcing Analog’s Incentivized Testnet

Our Testnet journey kicks off as we welcome devs, community members and validators to dive into our products! After extensive development efforts, Analog is ready to unveil its public incentivized Testnet — the final testing phase that paves the way to the Analog Mainnet debut!

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  • Apr 16, 2024

Analog's Incentivized Testnet – Phase 1: Developers

Developers will be the first to dive into our products as the Analog Testnet commences! As the Analog Testnet inaugural phase unfolds, we invite developers to delve into the Timechain using Analog Watch.

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  • Apr 03, 2024

Analog 2024 Q1 Recap

Check out what we were up to in the first quarter of the year. Analog had a spectacular first quarter of 2024!. Let’s take a look at the key moments we experienced throughout the three-month period.

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  • Mar 19, 2024

Enhancing Data Retrieval for DApps

Blockchains have radically redefined our interaction with the digital world. Decentralized applications (DApps) are proliferating, creating fresh opportunities...

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  • Mar 08, 2024

5 Cross-chain DeFi Use Cases Unveiled: Analog’s General Message Passing Protocol

Analog’s General Message Passing (GMP) protocol is a composable cross-chain communication platform that allows developers to transfer messages (data) and value...

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  • Feb 16, 2024

Analog Raises 16 Million USD To Become One-Stop Shop For Blockchain Interoperability

A successful funding round, which concluded in early 2024, propels the project’s mission to revolutionize cross-chain communication. Analog, a Web3 platform at the forefront of omni-chain...

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  • Feb 14, 2024

Analog Technical Development Update #3

As we make our way through Q1 2024, Analog has been tirelessly crafting its product and technical framework. Here’s a glimpse into the remarkable recent progress of our project’s development journey! We have made major headway into enhancing our Timechain build, including: Elections pallet: New Chronicle shards are now auto-elected in Timechain...

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  • Feb 05, 2024

What Are Crypto Data Aggregators and How Do They Work?

In an ever-evolving, fast-paced landscape of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), we continue to see innovative solutions reshaping how users interact with financial services. Among these ground-breaking developments, crypto data aggregators have emerged as powerful tools for streamlining and enhancing user experience (UX) in the DeFi ecosystem.

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  • Jan 26, 2024

Analog Collaborates With Cryfi To Enhance DeFi Trading Experiences

Analog is thrilled to announce the partnership with Cryfi, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of signal trading protocols. This collaboration aims to synergize the capabilities of Analog’s cross-chain solutions and Cryfi’s innovative signal trading protocol.

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  • Jan 10, 2024

What Is Liquidity Fragmentation and Why It’s Killing DeFi

We are all too familiar with the benefits that decentralization offers in finance, such as trustless operations, fostering innovation, and providing users with increased control. Yet, as with any new technology, growing pains are inevitable in DeFi. Among these, liquidity fragmentation stands out as a long-standing problem that the crypto space needs to address.

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  • Dec 12, 2023

Bridges are soon obsolete, what comes next? | Analog Insights

Blockchain interoperability has increasingly become essential to how the Web3 ecosystem evolves. As Layer-1s (L1s) and Layer-2s (L2s) increasingly become specialized, their accrued value becomes more fragmented, effectively addressing one challenge but giving rise to another.

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  • Nov 17, 2023

The Analog Roadmap 3.0

From its commencement, Analog has experienced remarkable expansion to accomplish our intended goals. Throughout this journey, significant progress has been made, and we are actively working towards reaching pivotal...

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  • Nov 01, 2023

Analog Collaborates With The Kingdom To Usher In A New Age Of AI-Driven Gaming Experiences

Analog is excited to announce the addition of The Kingdom to our growing list of partners! This collaboration is set to leverage the strengths of blockchain, AI, and the power of collective community decisions...

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  • Oct 30, 2023

NFTs Cross-Chain? What Are the Possibilities?

In August 2023, y00ts — a popular Non-Fungible Token(NFT) project that initially debuted on Solana — announced that it would soon be migrating from Polygon to Ethereum. DeLabs (the company behind y00ts) promised to return a 3-million-USD grant that it had received from Polygon Labs to support the migration of its NFTs from Solana to Polygon.

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  • Oct 11, 2023

Analog Launch Partners Program

Leveraging the combined strength of diverse Layer-1 and Layer-2 ecosystems, Analog Network envisions a new era in DApps, which will transcend the limitations of today’s offerings by harnessing the liquidity...

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  • Oct 11, 2023

Web2 To Web3: Bridging The Gap From The Developers’ Perspective

The true essence of the web is the democratization of communication and knowledge. From its initial roots as Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the web has been leveraged to close…

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  • Oct 06, 2023

Analog 2023 Q3 Recap

Analog had a wonderful third quarter of 2023! Here are the highlights of what we did throughout the three-month period. We have revamped our logo and website in July! Explore the new look, refined layout...

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  • Sep 28, 2023

Exploring Cross-Chain Decentralized Exchanges: A Comprehensive Overview

Decentralized Exchanges — or more simply DEXs — are peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces that allow crypto traders to trade their tokens directly without handing over the management of their assets to an intermediary.

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  • Sep 06, 2023

A Deep Dive into Cross-chain Smart Contract Execution Calls | Analog Insights

In this second and final part of our blog series, we delve into the details of cross-chain smart contract execution calls that leverage the Analog Network. Part one of this series looked into the…

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  • Aug 21, 2023

Analog Technical Development Update #2

As we navigate through Q3 2023, Analog has been hard at work building its product and technical infrastructure. Here’s an update of how far the project’s development has come along!

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  • Aug 16, 2023

Introduction To Cross-Chain Smart Contract Execution Calls | Analog Insights

Cross-chain smart contract call is an interoperability feature that enables one smart contract or decentralized application (DApp) on one chain, say Ethereum, to invoke actions on another blockchain…

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  • Aug 10, 2023

Decoding Interoperability Solutions

We have witnessed many blockchain networks emerging over the past couple of years, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of these blockchains have different degrees of decentralization, security, throughput, or transaction fees.

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  • Jul 07, 2023

Analog 2023 Q2 Recap

Check out what we were up to in the second quarter of the year. Analog had a busy second quarter of 2023! Here are the highlights of what we did throughout the three-month period.

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  • May 23, 2023

Why did Analog create the Proof-of-Time Consensus Mechanism?

See how Proof-of-Time is able to handle challenges that overcome other consensus mechanisms rather than going with a traditional consensus mechanism such...

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  • May 19, 2023

The Analog Roadmap

Take a look at the milestones we have passed and what goals lie ahead Since its inception, Analog has grown by leaps and bounds to achieve what we are setting out...

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  • Apr 20, 2023

True Decentralization: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

Stablecoins are essential in a shifting Web3 space. They protect investors and traders against massive market swings. The unveiling of stablecoins has raised the trust levels in the crypto space…

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  • Oct 25, 2022

A Timeline and History of Recent Cross-Chain Bridge Attacks | Analog Insights

Blockchain ecosystems are not merely communication and storage protocols. Each chain has a history, culture, and community worth protecting. For example, some communities are more focused on…

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  • Apr 29, 2022

Analog Enters MVB IV Incubation Program By BNB Chain

The coveted program is set to supercharge the project’s development the BNB Chain MVB Incubation Program, which was launched in 2021, lends a helping hand to...

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