Analog Technical Development Update #2

  • Analog Technical Development Update #2
  • TSS Optimizations
  • GMP Phase 1
  • Connector SDK for EVM Chains
  • Timechain
  • Analog JS Library
  • Analog Watch

As we navigate through Q3 2023, Analog has been hard at work building its product and technical infrastructure. Here’s an update of how far the project’s development has come along!

TSS Optimizations

We are optimizing our Threshold Signature Scheme module:

  • Currently upgrading the frost-dalek crate to be EVM-compatible

  • Implementing and validating the collector node within TSS, empowering shards to manage keys and permissions efficiently

GMP Phase 1

We are implementing arbitrary method calls (AMCs), a low-level message-passing SDK that allows users/applications to execute arbitrary smart contract functions only on the connected destination chains. This is a precursor to the General Message Passing (GMP) protocol.

Analog's Public Testnet

Be among the first to experience Analog’s Timechain and the tools that power up the next generation of omnichain DApps.

Connector SDK for EVM Chains

The Connector SDK for EVM chains is now open-source.


We have implemented the following updates to the Timechain module:

  • Staking tokenomics

  • Accounts management pallet

  • Proxy accounts

  • Task management pallet

  • Task tokenomics

  • Task scheduler

  • Task executor

Analog JS Library

Analog JS Library now includes:

  • On-chain library

Analog Watch

Analog Watch has seen these features added:

  • Collections

  • View builder

  • Publisher page

  • Profile page

For a summary of Analog’s key technologies to put things into perspective, head here! 👉

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